Recent News
Professor of Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Sudjito, S.H, urging the Indonesian Constitutional Court (MK) to actively perform judivicial review of all acts and regulations that were deeme...
In an effort to improve cooperation with industry and society in general, UGM Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) through Jakarta representative office held a mini expo of i...
Apart from being one of human provisions, weaving in the cultural aspect of Indonesia also has several functions in the community who created it, especially related to social, econom...
As a country that has considerable amount of natural resources, Indonesia has a wide range of chemical industry, whether small, medium or large.
At least 130 local and foreign artists take part in Jogja International Street Performance 2011 activity which took place from September 26 to 28.
Asthma is a disease that is often encountered in children.
YOGYAKARTA- Campus development master plan of Universitas Gadjah Mada from 2005 to 2015 is to give direction to the development of educopolis area, namely a conducive environment to ...
YOGYAKARTA- Security and convenience in a country are key to tourism development, including in Indonesia.
YOGYAKARTA – Minister for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Fadel Muhammad, said that Indonesia has to immediately stop the salt import policy, due to the current domestic production of...
YOGYAKARTA-Two students of Faculty of Medicine UGM, Erlangga Prasamya and Yoga Rossi Widya Utama, have recently presented the results of their research on the European Student Conference (E...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and the Ministry of Research and Technology are currently developing a hybrid electric energy utilization of the potential wind and solar thermal energy...
Disaster management expert, Prof. Dr. Sudibyakto, appealed to the academic community not to be fooled but can correctly understand the climate change issue.
Corruption handling system or Anti-Corruption Law in Indonesia is not rational, so it absolutely does not create deterrent effect for corruptors.
YOGYAKARTA- The economic and financial uncertainties currently and in the future creates risks and challenges for domestic economic stability.
YOGYAKARTA – Member of National Energy Board and Dean of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada, Dr. Ir.
YOGYAKARTA – Efforts to increase education quality is not apart from the input quality of new students.
A total of 33 students of Regional Development Studies, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) who will follow the Field Practice Course in Malaysia was officially released by ...
Faculty of Medicine, once again, inaugurated 73 new nurses. The total of 73 new nurses comprised 7 men and 66 women.
Monday, September 19, 2011, team of Educating and Equipping Tomorrow’s Justice Reformers (E2J) visited Faculty of Law of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to hold a technical discussion f...
On 19th September 2011 UGM Faculty of Biology commemorates its 56th anniversary.
Distribution and the disparity of Surabaya’s city space is the result of a long struggle of the various forming elements of the Surabaya city circa 1900-1960’s.
Until recently, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada continues its efforts to obtain accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business (AACSB)...
YOGYAKARTA – To socialise bicyling among new students of Universitas Gadjah Mada, the Unit of Quality Improvement of Leaders (PPKB) of Student Affairs Directorate held a campus biking ori...
Senior Vice Rector for Education, Research, and Community Service, Prof. Dr.
Lignocellulose as a source of polysaccharides which are abundant in Indonesia can be converted into ethanol as an alternative source of green energy.
YOGYAKARTA – Manager of UGM student dormitory, again, holds soft skill training for new students who will stay for one year in the dormitory.
Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM targets to be an international center of excellence in the agroindustry sector in 2012.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT), Thailand, agreed to establish cooperation in education, research, and community service.
YOGYAKARTA – Who says UGM lecturers are only busy teaching or doing research? The fact is some of them still take the time to express their musical ability and sing.
YOGYAKARTA- Former Speaker of People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), Prof. Dr.