Recent News
Management of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) continues to grow over the time.
YOGYAKARTA – Four UGM research teams managed to get national strategic research grant from Ministry of National Education as much as 2.9 billion rupiah.
Former President, Prof. Dr. Ing. B.J. Habibie, said that technology plays important role to improve the competitiveness of the nation.
Beckham, this name is certainly familiar, especially for football enthusiasts.
YOGYAKARTA- Bureaucratic reform in Indonesia really depends on the ruling leaders.
YOGYAKARTA – The diplomatic relations among ASEAN countries is not only conducted by the leaders of the countries, but also the young generation.
North Gorontalo Regency in the Province of Gorontalo, cooperates with UGM to help accelerate the alleviation of underdeveloped areas in its territory.
Association of Students of History UGM will hold a Book Discussion entitled Java Civilization: From Ancient Mataram to the End of Majapahit Kingdom, the book written by Supratikno Rahardj...
A total of 81 students participating in the 9th Youth Cultural Forum attended the workshop of Introduction to Indonesian Culture, which includes gamelan, Javanese dance and traditional song...
A total of 52 educators and educational staff at the UGM received Employment Decree as the candidate for Civil Servant (CPNS).
YOGYAKARTA – Umar Kayam is one of cultural figures and is known as a writer who is able to consistently stay committed to observing the life of the grassroots.
YOGYAKARTA – Religion and modern knowledge is expected to be made integral in order to respond to problems among people.
Sound wave technology provides a new hope for the performance of land measurement in Indonesia.
A total of 15 universities from 9 countries in ASEAN from 23 to 27 May 2011 will participate in The 9th ASEAN Youth Cultural Forum at UGM.
Indonesia as a nation that has been independent for more than 60 years up until now has not achieved satisfactory progress.
Fadhlih Akbar, a student of UGM Faculty of Animal Science, was drowned in the Ello River, Magelang, Central Java, on Sunday (22/5) at around 12.45.
Are you a coffee addict? It is not wrong for you to try Ricebran Coffee.
YOGYAKARTA – Education does not only develop the cognitive aspect. Ideally, education can help the whole human development, including physical, psychological, social, and religious de...
YOGYAKARTA – Research and development of nuclear technology in Indonesia have been conducted for a long time, but the application of the use of nuclear electric energy power plants is...
Minister for Youth and Sport Andi Mallarangeng hopes that there is synergy between youth, sports, culture and Information Technology (IT).
UGM Faculty of Law in cooperation with the Indonesian Insurance Council held the public lecture United Linked Insurance: Benefits and Risks.
The advertising business opportunities on digital media in Indonesia become wide open due to the increasing number of Internet users among young people who became users of social networking...
Youth de-radicalization is urgent to be done in the current developments context.
Despite the meager salary, the Civil Servants at UGM are asked to not feel inferior.
YOGYAKARTA-Economic democracy has long been a mandate of the Constitution, especially Article 33 of the Constitution of 1945.
The price of cigarettes in Indonesia is low. Take Marlboro for comparison, the price is cheaper than that in other ASEAN countries.
Universitas Gadjah Mada this time inaugurated 1301 graduates and 235 diploma graduates.
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada allocates scholarships to new students coming from underprivileged families in 2011, who are following the process of registration of new students...
For two days, 17-18 May 2011, Faculty of Medicine UGM held the 5th Gadjah Mada Medical Fair (Gama MedFair).
UGM students made achievements not only academically. This time those joining Diving Unit succeeded to become the grand champion in Indonesian students fin swimming championship.