Recent News
Various techniques of shooting a picture are known in photography.
The safety of communities living around the slopes of Mount Merapi becomes the focus of a new partnership that exists between Australia and UGM.
YOGYAKARTA- Migration (movement) of population from a place/country to another place from time to time continues to change.
Caterpillars that attack trees in several regions in Indonesia are considered as a normal cycle.
To collect inputs in order to anticipate climate change effects on agriculture and livestock sector, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Ir.
Venezuela has always been the country that attracted the attention of many people.
Indonesia still lacks of reliable human resources in the field of energy management.
YOGYAKARTA- The UGM robot team together with the teams from ITB and Unikom were met directly by Minister of National Education, M.
YOGYAKARTA – National food policy taken by the government is currently considered as not providing protection for the farmers.
YOGYAKARTA- The number of recipients of research grant of Indonesia Managing Higher Education for Relevance and Efficiency (I-MHERE) program Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada has ...
YOGYAKARTA-Concerns and solidarity towards survivors of earthquake and tsunami in Japan that occurred on March 11 continue to be given.
UGM continues to build communication and synergy with community around the campus.
The increase of CO2 emissions continues to cause concerns among environmental experts.
YOGYAKARTA – As many as ten students, Monday (11/4), signed a MoU of execution of Education for Sustainable Development (EfSD) research Indonesian program Managing Higher Education fo...
YOGYAKARTA – Confidence is a capital that is essential for gaining success.
YOGYAKARTA- Dozens of Japanese students studying at UGM raised funds from 9-10 April 2011 for survivors of earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan.
YOGYAKARTA – Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., and Regent of Sleman, Sri Purnomo, put the first stone in the construction of the Mardliyyah Mosque of UGM, Saturday (9/4)...
YOGYAKARTA – The Center for Pancasila Studies UGM pioneered the development of learning community portal for Civics Education (PKn) at schools by the name of Pancasila online in order to ...
Currently, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is thinking about the plan to establish Equestrian School.
This year UGM is trusted to be holding entrepreneur student program 2011.
Running a business is not an easy thing to do but it is not as difficult as most people think, either.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., inaugurated 165 new Heads and Secretaries of Departments in UGM.
YOGYAKARTA – Corruption in Indonesia probably will never end. It may even be going to increase.
YOGYAKARTA- In year 2100 Indonesia is expected to be ready to use Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).
YOGYAKARTA – Professor of UGM Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Professor. Dr. Moch.
Due to high population, caterpillar’s attack in Probolinggo Regency is getting worse.
For years 2011-2013, UGM again receives Institution-based Competence Grant Program (PHKI) from Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education.
The number of people with leprosy in Indonesia is still quite high regardless treatment efforts that have been conducted for these patients.
Banana hump chips as a nutritious alternative food requires further development to compete with other chips products on the market.
Rector of Paramadina University, Dr. Anies Rashid Baswedan, criticizes the lack of integrity and simplicity among national leaders in past decade.