Recent News
Prof. Soedomo Oral and Dental Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry UGM in cooperation with Dompet KR charity from Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper held free medical check-ups for 200 people hit by col...
YOGYAKARTA- UGM Marching Band (MB) Team once again made a national achievement.
MAGELANG – Merapi’s cold lava flood is still largely threatening, especially along the Kali Putih river in Magelang, Central Java, after the surging flood on Monday (3/1).
YOGYAKARTA – A total of 100 experts from various countries discussed the revival of religion in Southeast Asia in the last 15 years.
The people of Yogyakarta on Tuesday afternoon (4/1/2011) were surprised by the rainbow ring surrounding the sun.
UGM students continuously made achievements. The achievement this time was gained by Lisa Novita Anggraeni, student of Faculty of Biology and her two friends from Industrial Engineering Dep...
Yogyakarta- UGM historian, Prof. Dr. Suhartono, urged the Central Government not to ignore the historical fact that Yogyakarta was formerly the capital of Indonesia that had a role for the ...
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., inaugurated several new officials in UGM Education Development Center (P3) and Laboratory of Integrated Research and Testing (LPPT).
Yogyakarta- To commemorate the move of capital from Jakarta to Yogyakarta on January 4, 1946, the Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center of UGM holds the “Yogya Republic” commemorat...
YOGYAKARTA – Javan lutung (Trachypithecus auratus) is one of the protected animals.
Head of Cangkringan sub-district, Samsul Bakri, expressed his gratitude for the construction, particularly for Bakalan residents whose homes had been destroyed.
Meanwhile, Udin Kuru with his Pesan untuk Masa Depan piece presented figures of Soekarno, Agus Salim, and Hatta who used camera phones to capture objects in front of them.
Yogyakarta- Cultural observer Emha Ainun Nadjib or popularly called Cak Nun, for the first time delivered a cultural oration at Koesnadi Hardjosoemantri Cultural Center on Wednesday evening...
YOGYAKARTA- Today, Thursday (30/12), UGM Faculty of Medicine inaugurated 142 new doctors at Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP).
Yogyakarta- Decision making is a process that combines rational and judgmental approach of which the process cannot be formulated completely.
YOGYAKARTA – Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center (PKKH) Universitas Gadjah Mada will hold a a cultural oration presenting Emha Ainun Nadjib and Kyai Kanjeng show on Wednesday (29...
YOGYAKARTA- Ethnic identity reconstruction may occur because of the definition of ethnicity, adaptation or tradition, in addition to the chance of elite that holds power and manipulate the ...
Yogyakarta – Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) of UGM and Mandiri Sharia Bank cooperate in assisting micro, small and medium business players through training, assistance...
MAGELANG – Merapi Disaster Mitigation Task Force Team (SMBM), UGM Faculty of Engineering, Wednesday evening (22/12), conducted the campaign for disaster risk reduction of the cold lav...
The failure of decentralization and regional autonomy have been attributed to the uncertainty of the rules of the game.
Yogyakarta- Universitas Gadjah Mada particularly through Faculty of Biology since year 2006 has focused on the development of Education for Sustainable Development programa in Beji, Ngawen ...
For a company, merger is a strategy to improve efficiency.
Yogyakarta- As many as 173 lecturers and academic staff who have retired or even passed away on Wednesday (22/12) were awarded the Purnakaryawan award by UGM.
Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM, Prof. Dr. drh.
Yogyakarta- Activity of Merapi and its impact to the community can inspire people to produce a new research and knowledge.
Rawa Pening Lake is one of the lakes in Indonesia that have the problems of sedimentation and water quality degradation.
YOGYAKARTA – One of the parasitic diseases that remain a public health problem is intestinal infection, especially those transmitted by soil.
YOGYAKARTA – Dean of Faculty of Medicine UGM, Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D., inaugurated 29 new nurses, comprising 3 men and 26 women on Tuesday (21/12) at the Sardjito Ho...
The state-controlled historicity of social changes directly affects the existence of a novel.
Yogyakarta- Uncontrollable traditional gold mining in Sangon River, Kulon Progo regency, has caused river sediment pollution by mercury.