Recent News
         Over the last three years, the government has taken the initiative in drafting the Village Bill.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Provincial Government, and the State-Owned Electricity Company (PT PLN Persero) agreed to create the Independent Energy Village Program in Yogyakarta Pro...
Faculty of Medicine UGM inaugurated 16 foreign doctors from Malaysia. Dean of the Faculty Prof. Dr.
Indonesia still needs 9,000 vets more to meet the need for some 20 thousand vets until year 2020.
Today the world is facing many problems. Many countries expect Indonesia to be a partner to look for a solution.
Anthropology road map was actually from Prof. Koentjaraningrat, a maestro of Indonesian anthropology.
Along with community empowerment activities, to commemorate the 64th Anniversary of National Electricity Day, Faculty of Agriculture UGM spread catfish seeds in Wonosari Village, Ngrombol S...
UGM economist, Dr. Sri Adiningsih, criticized the plan to increase the salary of newly elected ministers.
Earthquake intensity in Indonesia keeps increasing. To reduce the number of victims following earthquakes, people should recheck their house construction, whether appropriate to endure the ...
                The Province of Yogyakarta and its surroundings are tectonically areas with high seismic activities.
                UGM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will initiate the establishment of Faculty of Veterinary in Laos and Cambodia through JI...
UGM and Lorena Group will cooperatively design the development concept of internal UGM feeder bus and its integration with Lorena Group bus link.
The Indonesian Indoor Aerial Robot Contest 2009 (IIARC) has just finished.
I Made Andi Arsana, S.T., M.Eng., lecturer of Geodetic and Geomatic Engineering of UGM, has gained success in Innovative Writing Olympics held by the Association of Indonesian Students in F...
At least 32 thousand villages in Indonesia are still considered "blank spot" because they do not have telecommunications towers.
Assignments of some ministers in the United Indonesia Cabinet (KIB) has been based on political interests, which many considered as "not based on professionalism".
A concert of "World Peace Orchestra" (WPO) was just held at UGM to commemorate UGM’s 60th Anniversary.
           Responding to the delay in the ratification of the Halal Certification Bill by the House of Representatives (DPR), Professor of Pharmacy, Univer...
Natural disasters create a humanitarian tragedy, demolish the economy, and obstruct the development.
Indonesian development is more dependent on tax in the future due to the depletion of oil reserves and natural gas.
Suriname Ambassador to Indonesia, Mrs. Angelic Alihuzain del Castilho, said that she was very impressed by the Edu-Cultural International Festival, especially for Suriname students who are ...
Peat land development has caused swamp forest degradation in Central Kalimantan Province.
On the same occasion, the Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture of UGM, Prof. Dr.
Distance is no longer an obstacle in reaching science. This was proven by the holding of a video conference by the Faculty of Psychology, UGM, Thursday, October 15.
The Muslim population in the world is now approximately 1.57 billion; they live in more than 150 countries.
Librarians need to think creatively to face challenges from time to time.
Faculty of Medicine (FK) UGM entered the Top World University Rankings and was ranked 103rd out of 1000 faculties of medicine in the world.
Resilience of the nation and communities against disasters can be built by promoting strategic and systematic approaches to reduce vulnerabilities and risks to hazards.
Universitas Gadjah Mada has once again established itself as a world class university.
Indonesia is rich in intangible cultural heritage (ICH). Nusantara oral tradition as one of the manifestations of ICH is a product of culture associated with life and owner of life.