YOGYAKARTA – As many as 101 student teams from 27 universities in Indonesia attended the finals of the 8th National Information Technology and Communication Student Event (Gemastik 8) at UGM from 27-28 October. They will present their innovations in the development of softwares, game applications, programming, animation, smart gadget, data mining, network security, information systems, ICT business development, and user experience design.
The universities that have gone to the finals of the competition include UGM, UI, ITB, ITS, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Gunadarma, Universitas Halu Oleo, and Universitas Padjajaran.
Committee chairman of Gemastik 8, Dr. Senawi, said the competition was expected to develop creativity and innovation among students in ICT. “We hope there will be many more students who excel in ICT,” he said.
Vice-Rector for Research and Community Service of UGM, Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc., said the Gemastik event was a forum to develop the young generation’s creativity and innovation in science and technology. He suggested the young generation to learn from other countries, such as Japan, Korea, the U.S., and some European countries that have excelled prominently due to good ICT, adding “the good or bad future of ICT lies in the hands of the young generation,” he said.
Meanwhile, Dra.Victoriana Suhartini, Head of Creativity and Community Service in the Research, Technology and Higher Learning Ministry, said the Ministry would always encourage ICT competitions in order that students can generate beneficial outcomes for society.