PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) shows their dedication on education area by donated 2 billion rupiah to renovate the library of Universitas Gadjah Mada. The fund was forwarded by Director of BCA, Suwignyo Budiman, to the Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D, at the conference room, Friday (12/11). Present at the conference room were the Head of CSR of BCA, Sapto Rachmadi, Head of Regional Education Agency, Gunawan Budi Santoso, the Head of Yogyakarta branch of the bank, Saswito, and faculty members of UGM.
“For CSR, we are focusing on education, formal or non-formal, for assets and soft skills,” he said.
The support of BCA to develop education in Indonesia was done through a number of of activities, such as education aid to United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and some mentoring programs for some schools in Wonosari, Yogyakarta from elementary level to high school levels.
“For non-formal education, we are doing an empowerment for a tourism village: the Pindul cave in Wonosari and this evening we will officially open the Pentingsari (Dewi Peri) village as one of tourism villages funded by BCA.
Meanwhile, Rector of UGM, appreciated the BCA’s support to renovate UGM’s library. As a legal university, UGM is expected to be self-reliant, creative and innovative, not just excellence in academic matters but in campus facilities as well.
For her, library is the heart of university. As a center of study, the building and facilities have to be adequate, safe and comfortable.