An event entitled Alumni Gathering was conducted on Sunday(12/12) in the Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Centre as a forum for alumni of UGM from all classes to get together. The event went in a relaxed atmosphere so alumni and students could enjoy art performances whilst enjoying delicacies, too.
“This event is conducted to follow the Niti Laku procession that has been followed by thousands of alumni in the morning, to facilitate the alumni from various cities that have not returned home yet in order that they can gather together,” said Drs. Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, M.Sc., one anniversary committee member.
Visitors were entertained with various performances performed by students and alumni. Students joining the Surakarta style dance presented the gambyong dance, whilst the Gadjah Mada Chamber Orchestra and a group band from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences presented some songs. Alumni also played songs in a band, then performed a play that became the highlight of the event.
The alumni presenting performances come from various regions, even from outside Java. According to Tri Kuntoro, it was quite difficult to set the time for rehearsing, making it impossible for other alumni to perform. “For next year, we will plan it better to involve more alumni,” he concluded.