As many as 33 non-teaching staff and 3 lecturers have received their appointment certificates as civil servant candidates for category II on Thursday (31/12). In his report, UGM Head of Personnel, Bambang Dwi Suko Widodo, S.Mn., said that the presentation of certifications was the eight in a round for civil servant candidates at UGM, totalling 435 people. “Of all 435, some 430 people have received their certificates while the rest is being processed,” he said.
The certificates were presented by Vice-Rector for Human Resource and Assetts, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Santoso Wignyosukarto, Dip.HE. In the event Budi told the staff to keep the good name of the UGM and increase their productivity. He said that being a civil servant required big responsibility. As state staff, they have to work optimally for the interest of the state and the nation instead of themselves.
“We hope that this certificate presentation will meet your expectations and useful for you all and the university. At last, we need to perform well in our job,” he said.