UGM Psychologist, Sentot Haryanto, M.Si., Psi, said that there are ten signs that show the behavior of a nation toward destruction. Some of these signs include an increase in violence among adolescents, dishonesty, being disrespectful to parents, teachers and a leading figure.
Other signs are peer group influence towards acts of violence, high suspicion, hatred and the deteriorated use of language. In addition, a decline in the work ethics, decreased sense of responsibility of individuals and citizens, high self-destructive behavior as well as the blurring of moral guidelines.
“The ten indicators which I quote from Thomas Lickhona are certainly very alarming, which began to be seen in Indonesia,” said Sentot Haryanto in the Multimedia Room of UGM, Tuesday (12/4).
Speaking on the training of Holistic Intelligence Building Based on Indonesian Nationalism held by Center for Pancasila Studies UGM, Sentot stressed that Indonesia should immediately improve itself. This nation is facing a major problem and if this is not handled seriously, it could go toward the direction of destruction.
The same concern was expressed by Dr. Heri Santoso, head of Center for Pancasila Studies UGM. According to the man, education nowadays has not truly developed all the potential intelligence of the students holistically. Currently, the learning process in schools tend to only prepare students to choose the best answer from the given options.
This makes the younger generation tend to be unprepared, hesitant and having difficulties to identify the fundamental problems faced by themselves, their families, and their nation.
“This training is held to change the mindset of teachers, lecturers, and students to be able to develop their intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and kinesthetic potential to be more optimal and holistic,” Heri said.
Meanwhile, Achmad Charris Zubair, Chairman of the Cultural Council of the city of Yogyakarta, said that one source of the problem that happened in Indonesia recently, based on the perspective of social and emotional intelligence, is a matter of perspective. The existence of big difference on perspective could spark conflict, while until now people are lacking of awareness to dare to understand different viewpoints, or even change the way their old viewpoints to the new one.
Charris added that teachers, lecturers, students, leaders and anyone else sometimes are faced with a dilemma. For example, a leader is required to take bold decisions for the good of people.
“Taking the decision for a leader is not a right, but an obligation and a form of responsibility. As a consequence of the mandate given to him, a leader must make a decision. If they do not dare to make decisions, they do not deserve to be a leader,” said Charris Zubair.
The training for teachers, lecturers, and students in Yogyakarta and Central Java was also enlivened by Surono, one of the training facilitators who asked the participants to play, sing and do brain exercises. Meanwhile, the end of the activity was filled with reflection and contemplation that made many of the participants in tears.