Science mapping has now been important to know the relations between one and another science. In the past one science can exist on its own, but now this is no longer so. Sciences are interdependent nowadays. Even one particular science can learn other disciplines of science that eventually produces interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary sciences.
On this background the Information and Library Management programme of Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Graduate School in cooperation with Goethe Institut host an international seminar titled Role of Science Mapping for Science Development in Indonesia from Wednesday to Thursday (20-21/4) at the Graduate School. It presented speakers Prof. Ursula Georgy from Cologne University, Prof. Lambert Heller from TIB Hanover, Prof. Ika Dewi Ana, Prof. Sahid Susanto and Prof. Sulistyo Basuki from UGM.
They discussed issues such as Library and Information Science in Germany, Malaysia and Indonesia, with resource persons Prof. Ursula Georgy, Dr. Khasiah from UiTM, Selangor, Dr. Eko Nugroho, and Prof. Sulistyo Basuki. Prof. Georgy said that library education in Germany is a science that is very related to other aspects, adding “Unsurprisingly, educators in this science also study other disciplines,” he said.
The next discussion talked about Library System and The Role of National Libraries in Germany, Malaysia, and Indonesia, with resource persons Prof. Heller, then Dra. Welmin Snyi Aminingsih, Mlib, (Former Deputy National Library of Indonesia). Prof. Lambert described TIB (Technische Informationsbibliothek), as the German national library, which is part of University of Hannover. “TIB is one of main German libraries that are visited by researchers for their research purposes,” he said.
The international seminar is expected to contribute to shareholders to develop sciences in Indonesia in order that they keep pace with other sciences in developed countries.