Violent behaviour phenomenon occurring in Indonesia recently is very worrisome. These are physical or non-physical, directly or indirectly. In order to address the rampant violent behaviours of teenagers, on Tuesday (18/5) a discussion was held for ESD-based Community Service Programme, developed by Drs. Hadi Sutarmanto, M.S, and colleagues.
The theme of the discussion was to find the roots of the problem and solution models to prevent and resolve violent behaviours among teenagers in Yogyakarta, especially high school students. The discussion was organised in the Centre for Pancasila Studies, led by Head of the Centre, Dr. Heri Santoso, attended by psychologists, teachers, schools leaders,, school committees, and education officials in Yogyakarta, Kesbangpol agency, and Yogyakarta Police Office.
According to Heri Santoso, the discussion ran constructively. Participants were aware that violent phenomenons among Indonesian teenagers, including Yogyakarta, increasingly cause concerns. Looking at the roots, no single factor is to blame, but many factors have contributed to the phenomenons directly or indirectly that trigger violence.
“We cannot evade the many occurences of violence, but we have to prioritise on learning the lessons as well as finding the solutions,” Heri said.
It was mentioned that the Government had indeed isued regulation Permendikbud No. 82/2015 on Prevention and Resolving Acts of Violence in Education, but this has not been fully implemented due to lack of information, support, and commitment from related parties.
Participants of the discussion agreed that presently schools are heavily burdened with the stereotyping arising among society that school is the only institution responsible if acts of violence are committed by a teenager. In fact, “problematic” students have family and environment backgrounds that always ‘reproduce’ violence. Based on these issues, they recommended the need to develop program and curriculum for family and society inorder to preventing and resolving acts of violence. Parents do not know what to do to their teenage children. They seemed to get released from the responsibility of taking care of their children if the children are already educated at school.