Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM collaborated with Border and Disadvantaged Region Development agency of West Borneo Province held local chicken breed management business in an effort to improve people prosperity for 16 breeders in the West Borneo province. During the training which was held at Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM in Yogyakarta from 26-29 of May, the breeders were given a knowledge regarding animal breeding and field trip.
The director of Centre for Livestock Development Studies (PUSKAPENA) of Faculty of Animal Science UGM who is also chairman of the event committee, Ir. Ambar Pertiwiningrum, M.Sc., Ph.D., said that this training was held to improve the prosperity of people who live in the border.
“There are many people who live in the borders of Indonesia-Malaysia consume Malaysia’s meat while their area has enough meat products,” she said.
Breeding business is one of main options of villagers. Cattle and poultry become an obvious choice to make money. But, many of the breeders quit after facing failure since they have no background on animal breeding or business management. Eventually, people just breed animal on a small scale as a life saving or just to fulfill their daily needs.
The minimum knowledge and information on animal science, especially in poultry, becomes an obstacle to develop their business. Therefore, this training aims to give a knowledge regarding livestock management. Besides, the participants are given a training about establishment of livestock group and organizational management to strengthen the business.
“By learning about animal’s food management, reproduction management, local wisdom-based keeping management, the border communities are expected to understand how to establish a livestock business to improve sustainable community’s prosperity,” she added.
Meanwhile, the Dean of Animal Science Faculty, Prof. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., said that livestock products contribute to people’s prosperity. He hopes that participants take something from what they learn in this training.
In the same occassion, Dra. Roslina, Head of the West Borneo’s agency for economy and socio-culture affairs, hopes that this training can improve the border community’s skills so that they do not need to consume meat from Malaysia, but export their products instead.