The student organization has a very important role in shaping the character of a student. Besides being a laboratory, a student organization serves as the executive agency’s practice of students in managing a government.
Each faculty and university in Indonesia has a student organization which acts as the executive organization such as University-level Student Body (BEM), Faculty-level Student Body (LEM), Student Council (DEMA), or Student Organization (LM).
Although running organization can develop student’s skills, but some may experience problems. One of the causes is the good and right organizational governance has not yet been implemented.
According to Muhammad Ridwan Siregar, a student of Faculty of Law, this caused the student organization to not run optimally, including student organizations at UGM. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the concept of good governance, especially in running student organizations.
“It is important to develop the concept of student organizations governance. It is expected to be a model and reference for any student organization. Until now in fact many students are confused on how they are going to organize their organizations,” said Ridwan in the Faculty of Law, Tuesday ( 7/6).
Seeing this condition, Ridwan along with Sendy Prasetya, Hermadi Prananto (Faculty of Law), Nian Undayani Sarsa (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) and Ester Yuniawati (Faculty of Pharmacy) in the team of Student Creativity Program of Socio-Humanities were trying to find a solution for the problem. Guided by lecturer, Triyanto Suharsono, SH, the team developed the concept of Good Student Governance.
Ridwan said the concept of good governance is a development of the concept of good governance. The concept of good student governance has 10 principles, which are transparency, participation, responsiveness, accountability, law, consensus, vision, public control, effectiveness, efficiency, and professionalism.
“Of these ten principles were analyzed whether they can be applied to the student organization considering its culture, function, as well as problems of each organization. In the meantime, the development of the concept will begin to implement the three principles which are transparency, accountability, and participation,” said Ridwan.
The three principles, Ridwan said, are clearly stated in the Articles of Association and bylaws of the organization. Those three principles are crucial since they are the basic duty of every student organizations.
Organizations must be transparent in financial terms, there should be a monitoring system to avoid mono-loyalty and should be participatory since they are representatives of the student. Hopefully this concept could provide benefits for student organizations in Indonesia as well as a model and reference for student organizations and evaluation tools,” he concluded.