To help develop a small and medium scale business – SRIOCA – in the Tulung hamlet of Srihardono village in Bantul regency, five UGM students make the hydraulic noodle maker.
The students are Pranedya Atria, Anditya Sridamar Pratyasta (Agriculture Engineering and Biosystem), Muhammad Rifqi (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Dipta Bthari Candraruna (Food Technology and Agricultural Products), and Muhamad Ali Shodiqi (Agricultural Industrial Technology) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Purwantana, M. Agr.
Anditya explained the Mie Des, or Mie Deso (Rural Noodle), is the typical noodle of the village with the main ingredients made from cassava. The makers found difficulties when they were making the wet dough.
“The makers makes the noodle manually, which is time consuming,” said Anditya at UGM on Friday (17/6).
Anditya said normally, the SRIOCA group received up to 80 kg of noodle orders per day. This prompted the students to make the SRIOCA Noodle Maker to increase noodle production and hygiene.
Anditya explained the machine was made according to the ingredient, which is cassava that is different from other ingredients. Special moulds can be changeable according to the shapes of noodles to be produced. The height of the machine is made as such for easy operation and continuity. The hydraulic system is presented by PT. Infinity Hydropower company in Jakarta, who partnered with them in the design.
“For workshop, we collaborate with CV Tunas Karya Jogjakarta, to produce the noodle maker machine to increase the noodle productivity of the SRIOCA group,” said Anditya.
Dipta added the noodle making previously was done by three persons. Now, with the noodle machine, the production per hour has increased to 31.5 kg/hour using 1500 Watts power from 10.7 kg/hour.
“Further developments of the machine will continue to be done, for example in mould alteration modification to make it quicker and easier. We hope more noodle makers in Yogyakarta and the surrounding areas can get to know this machine,” Dipta concluded.