One hundred thirty-two new undergraduate students accepted into the UGM Faculty of Biology have been granted tuition subsidies.
“This year, we have accepted 206 undergraduate students, and 64% of them are eligible for tuition subsidies,” explained the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Professor Budi Setiadi Daryono, recently.
Professor Daryono stated that providing financial support for tuition to new students from less fortunate families is a tangible expression of UGM’s commitment, including the Faculty of Biology, to realizing quality and inclusive education for all.
This is intended to support the achievement of sustainable development goals in the country.
The dean also expressed appreciation and gratitude to around 36% of the parents of incoming students who have the financial capacity and have fully financed their children’s education.
This is part of cooperation in ensuring quality education for students at the Faculty of Biology.
The Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs at the Faculty of Biology, Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, explained that education is the foundation for the nation’s progress.
He hopes this assistance can alleviate economic constraints for young people from less fortunate families to obtain quality education at UGM.
The Faculty of Biology is dedicated to developing future leaders focusing on sustainability from all corners of the nation and giving eligible children of the country a chance to receive an education of the highest caliber while fostering their Indonesian identity.
The vice dean mentioned that as a state university, UGM has the flexibility to shape its identity as a national university that promotes inclusion in student admissions, accommodating students from various walks of life while maintaining the integrity and quality of education.
Dr. Retnoaji explained that this year’s distribution of new students at the faculty comes from over 25 provinces in Indonesia, ranging from Sabang to Merauke.
It is hoped that education can be universally accessible to all generations of the nation and will be able to cultivate future young leaders.
Author: UGM Faculty of Biology
Editor: Ika