The government plans to stop allowance for professors that are not productive in writing publications for international journals. This move is aimed to increase the number of publications appearing in international journals.
“All professors ought to produce international publications. If not, the allowance for them has to stop for a while,” said Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Learning, Mohammad Nasir, alongside the National Meeting of Higher Learning Directorate General in Grha Sabha Pramana hall at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Nasir said lecturers holding professorship would get honorary allowance on the condition that they have to produce at least three scientific papers in international journals for the duration of three years. In addition, they need to produce at least one scientific paper for a reputable international journal, patent, or a monumental work of art in three years.
The honorary allowance for professors and lecturer profession, said Minister Nasir, would be evaluated every three year by Directorate General for Resources of Science, Technology, and Higher Learning, starting in November 2017.
“Evaluation of performance and productivity of professors is made by considering their scientific papers since 2015,” he said.
Target to Have 15,000 Publications
The Minister said his office would continue to boost the number of international publications by professors. In the national meeting, it was agreed that they target to produce up to 8,000 international publications for 2017. The actual figure currently is already at 10,500.
“Our target for 2017 is to reach 8,000 international publications, but now there are already 10,500. Going forward, we aim to increase to have 15-16 thousand international publications,” he explained.