In service aspect, Library of Universitas Gadjah Mada is trying to be “the second home” for members of academic community. Based on Strategic Plan of UGM Library 2012-2017, one of efforts to accomplish the mission is extending service hours to become seven days in a week (except national holidays).
Head of UGM Library, Dra. Nawang Purwanti, M.Lib, said this service-hour extension aims to give a longer access opportunity to academic community. In 2016, seven-day-service had been applied for three years and had resulted in positive responses.
“It is proven that the number of visitors or physical accesses increase consistently for these past three years,” said Nawang during the celebration of 66th anniversary of UGM Library on Wednesday (1/3).
Data shows in 2014 there were as many as 187,390 visitors of UGM Library. It increased by 19% to 212,461 in 2015 and increased 3.7% or equals to 220,344 visitors in 2016.
Although most of libraries in faculties and schools (Vocational School and Graduate School) have yet to perform the same service-hour as UGM Library, the overall number of visitors at libraries in UGM is increasing, from 523,526 visitors in 2014, increased as many as 15.7% to become 605,711 in 2015 and increased by 11% or 672 thousands of visitors in 2016.
Meanwhile, in line with the increment of digital generation population, the number of virtual visitors of UGM Library’s website at http://lib.ugm.ac.id also increased significantly. As many as 309,406 virtual visitors in 2014, increased fantastically by 225.78% or equals to 1,008,006 in 2015 and increased again by 75.81% or 1,772,193 in 2016.
“In order to increase the utilization of service and information, there will be service socialization and searching guidance of online database which are subscribed by UGM. Moreover, there will be workshop for applications utilization which are substantial for academicians, such as Zotero and Mendeley for reference management tools applications, self-uploading students’ thesis, and AIMOS (Academic Integrity Monitoring System), an application for detecting thesis plagiarism,” said Nawang.
Besides references service, at the 66th anniversary celebration, Nawang delivered some reports related to database and network, human resource, quality control, work program and budget, as well as partnership. Moreover, awards were presented to Ronald Tehupiring as the most active student visitor, Wilman Darsono as the most active borrower, and Atris Suyantohadi, S.T.P.,M.T., UGM lecturer, as the most active academicians on Online Database.
Dr. Paripurna P. Sugarda, S.H., L.L.M., Vice Rector of Partnership and Alumni of Universitas Gadjah Mada, gave high appreciation to the Library. In the university daily activities, UGM Library is considered of having a very strategic role by its incredible human resources.
“If it were a motor, when the motor moves, we won’t pay attention to its machine. But if the machine is broken, the motor won’t move certainly,” said Paripurna.
Paripurna felt proud of UGM Library which has an astonishing mission which is creating UGM Library as the second home for academicians. It does not mean as second home literally, but implicitly.
“If our first home is dormitory or our house, therefore our second home will be UGM Library. It can not only be said as second home physically, but also in implicit meaning which means UGM Library, located in the center of Yogyakarta, has the same service as world universities’ libraries,” he added. (Humas UGM/Fiki).