UGM Vocational School will accept 2,266 new students in academic year of 2017/ 2018. They are to study in 21 study programmes for Diploma 3 (D III) and 4 (D IV).
“We have opened registration for new students since 13 March 2017, especially for excellent student mechanism,” said Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D, Dean of the Vocational School at the School on Friday (17/3).
Wikan explained the several mechanisms for new students acceptance, which are excellent student mechanism, Islamic school and vocational school, underpriviledged students, partnership, and outstanding students.
“We also recruit new students through Written Test. The first batch will be done by UGM and the second batch we run it ourselves,” he said.
He explained up to 50 percent of the new students would be accepted through excellent students mechanism, the rest through written tests.
Wikan added in the future UGM Vocational School would develop D IV and applied S2 (undergraduate) study programmes. In 2017 they open D IV Applied Foreign Language study programme, D IV Regional Economic Development Planning, and D IV Maritime Engineering.
Furthermore, there will be D IV study programme Manufacture Engineering, Logistics, Construction Engineering, Archiving, Medical Record, Property Assessment and Banking Management.
“In line with the university guidelines, once we have opened many D4 study programme, we will gradually minimise the Diploma 3 study programme,” he added.