Hundreds of residents from Bantul regency celebrated the World Water Day 2017 by conducting a cultural event in Sidomulyo village. It also marks the fourth anniversary of Clean Irrigation Movement of the village. Attending the event were Secretary to Bantul local government, Drs. Riyantono, M.Si., Head of Agriculture, Food, Marine and Fisheries Agency of Bantul, Ir. Pulung Haryadi, M.Sc., Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Dr. Eni Harmayani M.Sc., also Prof. Dr. Ir. Sigit Supadmo Arif, M.Eng. and others.
The event went on Saturday (25/3) marked by the release of fish eggs into Panggang dam.
Riyantono hoped the cultural event could inspire people to conserve water for all living beings. He further appreciated the clean irrigation movement that he said as “continue to make river clean”. “Hopefully, this movement could encourage and motivate the wider public so as to have clean living, not dumping waste into the river, etc,” he said.
Eni Harmayani also hoped the movement would be sustainable. Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM as one of the initiators and facilitators of the movement always supports to make the project a success.
“I hope this movement would benefit and inspire the wider people, from Jogja to Indonesia,” said Eni.