Preventive ways and control to reduce resistance to antibiotics need to be attempted by all stakeholders, particularly to form rational drug use behaviour. These attempts include sustainable action, communication, coordination, synergy, and coalition of all stakeholders.
This topic emerged in the national seminar themed Rational Drug/antibiotics Use Behaviour by Society on Saturday (25/3) at Faculty of Medicine UGM. It was held by Kagama FK UGM in cooperation with International Network of Rational Drug Use (INRUD) Indonesia.
Currently, mong society there is still irrational use of drug. Such incorrect and improper use is one of the causes for resistance to antibiotics.
Pharmacologist of Faculty of Medicine UGM, dr.Budiono Santoso, Sp.FK., Ph.D., emphasised the importance of prevention and control of resistance to antibotics. This should be done sustainably by all stakeholders.
“A sustainable strategy is needed from all stakeholders so that prevention and control to resistance to antibiotics can be achievable,” he said.
Executive of Indonesian Doctors Association, Dr. Sunartono, M.Kes., described the role of doctors to educate patients in using drug rationally. One of reasons for irrational use is the limited information from doctors or paramedics. The limited knowledge causes such improper, inacurrate use of drug.
“Doctors have important role as ‘patient educator’ for rational use of drug,” he said.
So is the pharmacist as one of paramedics, they have a role in minimising and controlling resistance to antibiotics among people. It is expected that pharmacists can give services in terms of rational drug use.
Director of Pharmaceutical Services of Health Ministry, Dra.Dettie Yuliati, M.Si., Apt., said the Ministry had promoted community empowerment program for rational drug use, one of those is . smart community using drug movement (Gema Cermat).
Dettie said this aimed at improving the understanding and awareness of people on correct and right use of drug and to improve capacity on rational drug use.