Selection and election process of Rector of UGM for the period between 2017-2022 have come to the election and designation phase, conducted by Board of Trustees. This process is scheduled to be held on Monday (17/4) morning at the Board’s conference room.
Spokesperson for the Selection and Election Working Committe of Rector of UGM, Dr. Ari Sujito, said the election and designation process of the Rector by the Board can be seen by streaming or viewing on screen at Balairung UGM.
“It’s an open event so all members of academic community can have access to it through streaming or on the screens at the Balairung,” said Ari on Thursday (13/4).
In that event the three Rector candidates will present their work programme. Members of the Board will give questions to them. Afterwards, there will be a meeting to reach an agreement on who the next Rector will be. Otherwise, a polling will be conducted. “Except the Rector, all members of the Board will exercise their right to vote,” he said.
The 19 members of the Board that will attend the event are: Minister for Research, Technology, and Higher Learning, Sri Sultan HB X, Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc., Prof. Ainun Na’im, MBA., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. dr. Hardyanto Soebono, Sp.KK(K)., Prof. Dr. Ir. Indarto, DEA., Prof. Dr. Ir. Zaenal Bachruddin, M.Sc., Subejo, SP., M.Sc., Ph.D., Dr. Arie Sujito, S.Sos., M.Si., Paminto Adhi, SE., M.Si, Muhsin Al Anas, Prof. Dr. Tahir, MBA., Ir. M. Basuki Hadimuljono, M.Sc., Ph.D., Prof. Mardiasmo, Akt., MBA., Ph.D., Ir. Agus Priyatno, Ir. Budi Karya Sumadi, Wisnuntoro, S.E., M.M, Dr.es.sc.tech., dan Ir. Ahmad Rifai, MT.
On Wednesday (5/4), a Plenary meeting of the Academic Senate UGM assessed and assigned three Rector of UGM candidates, namely Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., and Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto. Ari said the three were the best figures based on the criteria stipulated by the Board.
“All is running according to rules and they are the best figures,” Ari said.
Ari explained in this event, the Minister for Research, Technology, and Higher Learning has 35% of the total votes. Ari hoped the process would run well and all members of the Board could consider thoroughly on their choice for the future of UGM as the university of the people and nationhood.
“We would choose a leader that has visionary leadership, good character, and has national reputation that is credible for UGM and the people of Indonesia,” he concluded.