Students team of Universitas Gadjah Mada succeeded to become the winners of a National Scientific Paper Competition, the 5th UNY Scientific Fair (UNYSEF) 2017, which was held in Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta State University) from May 5 until 6, 2017.
This national paper competition was attended by as many as 230 teams from various universities in Indonesia in which 15 best finalists were selected to present their papers. In the UNYSEF 2017, two teams from UGM achieved the first winner and runner-up positions.
UNYSEF 2017 had a theme regarding the optimization of science and technology towards the nation’s self-sufficiency in which the paper focuses on a case study in Code Riverbanks in Yogyakarta. Through this competition, each team was being challenged to make an innovation for enhancing the life quality of the society in Code Riverbanks.
UGM team with a paper entitled Milo Gas: Optimization of Solid Waste from Waste Water Processing Installation in Code Village into Biogas, with team consisting of Adtiya Whisnu and Haidar Ali (Chemical Engineering 2014) earned the first winner as well as Best Presentation. Meanwhile, the other UGM team with a paper entitled Ecogreen (Environment-Code Green Revolution): A Solution for Realizing Clean, Healthy, and Self-Sufficiency Code Riverbanks with team consisting of I Putu Bagus Gita M (Environmental Geography 2014), Putu Arya Wigita (Economic Science 2014), and Aditya Pradana (Environmental Geography 2014) earned runner-up position as well as the highest full-paper point.
Haidar said his team focused on the development of biogas system by organizing a waste water processing installation in Gondolayu Lor Village for processing waste as well as utilizing it as biogas. In order to enhance the society interest, his team provided the utilization of zeolite adsorbent and charcoal in the biogas production process.
“This program aims to solve the environmental issue in Code River as well as provide renewable energy for the society. We are very grateful to make this achievement,” said Haidar in UGM campus on Friday (12/5).
Aditya said these various ideas can be developed into community service program in the future for solving the environmental issue in Code River. It is also expected to encourage the enhancement of the quality of environment and prosperity of the society, particularly those who live in Code Riverbanks area.
Meanwhile, Putu Bagus said his team provided an innovation of optimization concept for garbage bank in Cokrodiningratan Village. The garbage bank is implemented by the ecogreen program which consists of green saving, green exchange, and green entrepreneurship.
“The eco green program has been completed with a program plan based on DPSIR and SWOT analysis as well as a time hierarchy. Therefore, we hope it can be implemented for maintaining the garbage bank system in Code Riverbanks area,” said Bagus.