Entrepreneurship is one of the capitals to enhance the productivity of human resources who can build a self-sufficient economy in the future. To achieve that, UGM students team have established Digital Kampungpreneur programme. The students consist of Hasbiyansyah, Destri Karlina, Tabiah, and Muhammad Yusuf N. P., all from Vocational School UGM, as well as Ratna Fitriana Dewi from Social and Welfare Development study programme. They succeed to perform a community service programme which solves the issue of creating enterpreneurial climate in villages.
The community service programme initiated by Hasbiansyah and his team was entitled Digital Kampungpreneur: Empowering Villages in Enhancing Creative Industry through Technology Information for Answering Challenge on Society Economy in Karanggeneng Hamlet, Purwobinangun Village, Pakem, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The programme succeeded to obtain a grant from Ministry of Higher Education through Students Creativity Programme on Community Service 2017. Until today several empowerment programs had been performed successfully.
The website-based platform, kampungpreneur.com, is to help integrate empowerment potential in Karanggeneng Hamlet. On the website, there are several contents available, consisting of assistance, training, and funding. The information technology is implemented here due to the lack of utilization of snake fruit potential in Karanggeneng Hamlet. According to Hasbiansyah, this can be shown by the price of snake fruit outside its harvest season which reaches IDR 5,000/kg while it only sells IDR 1,500/kg during the harvest season. On the other hand, the snake fruit plantation measures up to 7 hectare which is wider than the residential area (6 hectare).
“Of this potential, there have been several business groups which produce snake fruit products. But most of them have difficulties in marketing, funding, business management, and product development,” said Hasbiyansyah on Friday (19/5).
In the beginning of this programme, Kampungpreneur team had conducted several trainings which encouraged the development of business group and the society to participate in enhancing enterpreneurial skills. For the time being, this team is preparing several supporting programs using CBD (Community Based Development) method which has a characteristic of active participation from the society. This programme will be supervised gradually by Maun Budiyanto, S.T., M.T.