Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has re-affirmed its identity of University of Pancasila. A Declaration to re-affirm this identity was done by UGM academics, led by Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., at Balairung courtyard on Monday (22/5). It was read by the Rector along with Prof. Putu Sudira (Chair of Board of Professors), Prof. Hardyanto Soebono (Chair of Academic Senate) and I Made Andi Arsana (lecturer), Erry Istianto (non-teaching staff), and Desi Cahya Widyaningrum (student).
In the declaration, the Rector reinstated the journey of UGM since its estabishment in 1949, starting from the decision to be a nationalist and patriotic university. Nationalist means respecting and accepting the homeland, language, and culture of Indonesia as a pluralistic society.
“Patriotic means supporting the norms and value of constitution of the Republic of Indonesia that is democratic based on Pancasila. UGM academic community since its formation to today are loyal and proud of that decision,” she said.
UGM continues to maintain the peaceful atmosphere and diversity as well as social cooperation among academic community. UGM encourages participation of the academic community that is inclusive in events held in class, campus, or among society.
For the Rector, the declaration and workshop on Pancasila were appropriate in the condition among the society that is facing the issue of disintegration. According to the Rector, it was no longer necessary to debate and talk about Pancasila because what is best and most important is the real practice in the real life.
“What’s important is in our steps, research, and ourselves to learn from each other and do community service. If we stick to the value of Pancasila, we need not worry. Collective individuals will be the strong fortress to prevent state disintegration,” she said.
Expert of culture, Emha Ainun Najib, said Pancasila can be the collection of philosophy or proverbs. It’s possible for us to learn just from the first principle of Pancasila, or the second, or any other principle. Meanwhile, Pancasila has to be open for interpretation.
“What’s important is that it’s not about a contestation of truths of interpretations, but more on any interpretation. What’s important is that the output has to be unity, goodness, and safety of all. You can have any opinion, but you must not steal, you must not hurt others, and still unite with other people,” he said.
Dr. Pudjo Semedi, UGM Anthropologist, had the opinion that Pancasila was for marginalised people, so the fifth principle of Pancasila became the only thing they can hang on to. During Neoliberalism, Social Justice for all Indonesians People principle is getting more relevant so that the grassroots can become prosperous.