Universitas Gadjah Mada has received the visit made by Advisor Capacity Building in Engineering, Science and Technology (C-BEST) UNHAS JICA. The visit was to enhance cooperation between universities, industry, government, and community, led by Prof. Katsuya Osozawa and received by Director of Planning and Development UGM, Muhammad Sulaiman, S.T., M.T., D.Eng, in his office on Wednesday (31/5).
A number of alumni of Ehime University were present, including as Atus Syahbudin, S.Hut., M.Agr., Ph.D. (Forestry) and Anes Dwi Jayanti, S.Pi., M.Agr. (Agriculture). Also attended Dr. Moh. Affan Fajar Falah, STP., M.Agr and Wildan Fajar Bachtiar, ST (Vocational School), and Dr.nat.techn. Francis M.C. Sigit Setyabudi STP, MP. (Agricultural Technology).
Katsuya Osozawa who once was Director of Asia Africa Cooperation in Institute for International Relations of Ehime University emphasised the need to be happy for the rural people and consumer society. It can prevent them from switching jobs or working in big cities.
“It’s about how to make consumer society happy and comfortable, including in the rural areas so that the young there can support the rural development,” said Katsuya Osozawa.
There has been around 25 percent decrease of Shikoku island population because the young people leave the villages, thus decreasing the economy, too.
He further explained that the cooperation between universities, industry, government, and community, C-BEST UNHAS JICA, has initiated the Sago Techno Park in Luwu, South Sulawesi, engaging the local government of Luwu, UNHAS, sago industry, and local community. UGM plans to construct teaching factory as was done by Ehime University.
Some teaching factory at Ehime can be made a model, for instance plant factory in the form of giant green house, paper innovation centre, science and engineering, health, orange innovation centre and fishery field campus.
“We can also learn together on mechanism for cooperation promotion for social matters that link Ehime and regional level society,” said Osozowa.
In response, Sulaiman hoped Osozawa can bridge the development of teaching factory at UGM, facilitating cooperation between SMEs in Yogyakarta towards Business to Business through training by JICA. Moreover, UGM wishes this cooperation to produce optimation of research outcomes, community service through sustainable impact, and triple helix collaboration in Kulonprogo and other areas gradually.
“Other things to do together is how to cooperate with the regional governments and combines some funding schemes both in Japan and Indonesia,” said Sulaiman.