Social Development and Welfare Department UGM celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. During the celebration, the Department voices the need for fair social development in line with the spirit of the founding fathers.
Chairman of the Department, Dr. Krisdyatmiko, S.Sos., M.Si., said since its establishment they had been carrying the same value and spirit, which takes side with the people’s welfare.
“The spirit carried by the Department’s academic community remains the same with that established by the founding father, which is on the sides to resolve social issues after the Independence Day,” he said opening the celebration on Monday at the Seminar Room of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM.
Kris explained the anniversary celebration was done to enhance the position of the Department as an academic hub in boosting fair social development. It also became the promotion media or research and community service dissemination of the academic community.
To attain the fair social development cannot be done alone. It also needs synergy and innovation. “We also want to strengthen the networks with our alumni and stakeholders nationally and internationally,” he added.
Events conducted during the anniversary include national seminar, international conference, roundtable discussion, national meeting of students, and essay and scientific writing competitions for high school and university students.
“Hopefully with the spirit of the 60th anniversary, we have the commitment to keep fighting for the national development,” Kris said.
Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M. Si., appreciated the Department that has become the national reference related to social development issues due to its consistencies on those issues.
“Its national reputation needs not be doubted, during this time it always becomes the trendsetter of social development issues in Indonesia,” the Dean said.
Erwan mentioned what had been initiated by the senior figures of the Department were getting more relevant today along with the attention from the government to development problems, especially related to education and health. He hoped in the future the Department would continue to produce graduates that can make contributions to state development.
“Graduates from Social Development Department are more needed for social development progress and the welfare of Indonesia. I hope to see leaders coming from this Department,” he concluded.