Residential settlement of Perdikan Jatinom village in Klaten regency, Central Java, has plenty of interesting phenomenons with the presence of residential physical components with specific positions and relations as well as history and tradition. This prompted Rini Hidayati, Faculty of Engineering UGM doctoral student, to research into this phenomenon.
“The history of Jatinom village is marked by important events and unique traditions. Using phenomenology approach, I was trying to reveal the local theory in the rural residential spatial structure,” she said in her doctoral promotion at the Faculty on Monday (31/7).
In her dissertation entitled the Balance of Kawitan and Kelampahan Space in Residential Spatial Structure in Perdikan Jatinom Village, Klaten, she explained the interesting phenomenon in the village which is the presence of residential component of oro-oro or the Square, the old mosque of Ki Ageng Gribig heritage, market, and familial based residence.
Rini identified there is relational balance between kawitan and kalampahan space, and nguri-uri as balancing process. Kawitan as residential space or component that emerges and being used initially, whether by first comers or society while kalampahan is the partner of kawitan, that dominantly accomodates modern activities in rural space such as activities of tradition and culture, worshipping, entertainment, and economy.
“The relations of kawitan and kalampahan are more of functional or role relations that are complementary and balancing each other to meet the need of roles in the residential spatial structure,” said Rini.
The sustainability of kawitan and kalampahan, according to Rini, is maintained through the concept of nguri-uri, process of how kawitan and kalampahan can exist and play their roles together harmoniously, or sustaining the spatial presence in the form of rules, formal institutions, or conservation of physical condition.
“In the nguri-uri concept, there is conservation and sustainability values of kawitan and kalampahan spaces. Nguri-uri is thus a balancing process of kawitan and kalampahan in the spatial structure of Jatinom village,” she added.
Rini said the result of the research contributes to the understanding of local concept on rural residential spatial structure. It is also used as consideration for residential spatial planning of Jatinom village and generally can be used as suggestions for policy making on residential development in rural areas based on the local wisdom.