Graduate School UGM becomes host of the Indonesian Graduate Leader Forum (FORPIMNAS) which is held from August 9 until 11, 2017 simultaneously with the 9th International Graduate Students and Scholars Conference in Indonesia (IGSSCI), entitled Sustaining The Planet: Call For Interdisciplinary Approaches and Engagement.
Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari, Vice-Chairman of the Committee, said the Indonesian Graduate Leader Forum is an annual event for managers of Graduate Leaders in Indonesia. In the 39th Forum, the leaders discuss various policies and strategies for the development of Graduate School in the university.
“The leaders share their experience in managing the graduate activities both the academic and non-academic ones for realizing the graduate program that has high quality and competitiveness,” said Paramitha at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM on Wednesday (9/8).
Paramitha said the national meeting of the Graduate Leaders particularly discusses the strategies to strengthen institutional management, increase the graduate program synergy, strengthens cooperation opportunity between institutions, and enhance the quality of graduate program, management as well as scientific publication. In addition, it is necessary to elaborate and increase the cooperation due to the emergence of many similar study programs.
FORPIMNAS and IGSSCI are attended by 350 participants from the management board of graduate program in many universities in Indonesia. The two events were opened by UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. These presented several keynote speakers who are Prof. Ir. Rachmat Witoelar, Dr. Hezri Adnan (expert from Malaysia), Dr. Ir. Surono, and Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Rachmat Witoelar who speaks about Environmental Science and Policies towards Sustainable Development said there is no one who can deny the climate change caused by development. Therefore, the most important thing is doing real action that can be done immediately for fighting against the climate change. Several steps that can be done are maintaining the stability due to greenhouse effect from the anthropogenic impact, maintaining and managing the increase in global temperature below 2 degree Celsius and limiting the increase of temperature to 1.5 degree Celsius.
“In 2030, the agenda is to protecting the Earth from degradation by performing several immediate actions, including addressing climate change issue,” said Rachmat Witoelar, Special Envoy of the President for Climate Change.