UGM Centre for Economics Studies (PSEK) will host a Seminar on Economy of the People and Book Launch titled Heart Investment by Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti, Regent of Tabanan, Bali, on Thursday, 14 September 2017 in University Club UGM.
By reviewing the book, the Centre wishes to discus development innovative practises in Tabanan Bali in realising the economy that is based on the ideology of Pancasila. It also aims to study the practices being carried out in regions for local potential development.
“UGM Centre for Economics Studies aims to discus best practice in the the regions, one of those is desribed by Eka Wiryastuti that has successfully developed economic, social, and cultural potential of Tabanan community,” said event chairman, Puthut Nindroyono, on Tuesday (12/9) in University Club UGM.
Eka Wiryastuti made breakthroughs and economic programme based on local wisdom. She is seen as succeeding involving the people of Tabanan villages to participate in increasing regional economic growth through the development of Village Enterprises (BUMDes) that is synergised with Regional Enterprises. As a result, Tabanan regency has won Inewsmaker Award in 2016.
“Leaning from the experience of Eka Wiryastuti can give inspiration to develop other regions,” he said.
The event also presented lecturer from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr. Arie Sujito, S.Sos., M.Si., Drs. Dumairy, M.A. (Faculty of Economics and Business UGM), and Dr. Enny Sri Hartati (Director of INDEF), Zakiyah, S.H., M.A., (IDEA Yogyakarta), Ir. Cungki Kusdarjito, Ph.D,. (Rector of Universitas Janabadra), and Sunaji Zamroni, M.Si., (Director of IRE Yogyakarta).