BP Global noted the increase of energy consumption in Indonesia which was up to 5.9 percent in 2016. This number shows the increase is twice of the last 20 years.
“One of the factors of the increase is coal consumptions,” said Group Chief Economist of BP Global, Spencer Dale, on Wednesday (14/9) during a guest lecture at Faculty of Engineering UGM.
In front of hundreds of students, Dale said in 2016, coal consumption increased up to 22.2 percent. This figure becomes the highest increment in history.
Although coal consumption increases, the main energy consumption in Indonesia is still dominated by crude oil by 41 percent. Then, it is followed by coal consumption by 36 percent and natural gas by 19 percent.
Dale also said there was a decrease of natural gas consumption down to 7 percent in 2016. This is the lowest decrement since 2007 and the lowest peak which is 13 percent happened in 2010.
BP also noted the growth of electricity consumption from hydro-power plants. Despite having declined in 2014 and 2015, it increased by 4.8 percent in 2016.
“Renewable energy consumption increased 7.1 percent in 2016 and it was above the average in 10 years which was 4.7 percent,” he added.
Dale emphasized although coal consumption in Indonesia increases, there is the declining of coal production for 6.2 percent. It also becomes the lowest decrement since 2012. In 2016, the ratio between coal production and consumption drastically decreased from 2015 which was 408% : 532%.