At its 54th anniversary, Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM will form a forum for its alumni. Thousands of alumni are now spread across the country. This was said by Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eni Harmayani, M.Sc., opening Alumni Congress in the Auditorium of the Faculty on Monday (18/9). As many as 150 participants from different classes and majors joined the event.
Eni Harmayani said there would be benefits by forming the alumni forum, including to increase relations and contribution to student’s learning as well as science and technology. The alumni can individually facilitate the students to support learning process and student affairs, while the faculty can help find solution to problems affecting the alumni.
“This is the first congress of alumni to be held to form a forum for the alumni of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM. It is expected to be the media for gathering and sharing experience as well as establishing cooperation,” she said. Through the forum, the alumni can give input to the Faculty, especially related to curriculum and learning. The experience of the alumni will strengthen the position of UGM as the best university in the country.
“Currently, we have 3 departments, Food Technology and Agricultural Products, Agricultural Engineering and Biosystem and Agro-Industrial Technology. The Faculty has received national ‘A’ accreditation for 9 of its study programme. The Agricultural Engineering and Biosystem department has been internationally accredited by the AUN-QA, or Asean regional level. The Agro-Industrial Technology department has also received international accreditation, while the Food Technology and Agricultural Products department is in the process to earn the international accreditation. So, support from all alumni is much awaited,” she said.
Chairman of alumni congress, Dr. Saiful Rochdyanto, said the event was the first event to bring together alumni from many classes, departments, and study levels. This was expected to generate a forum that can synergise the power of all for the development of education, research, and community service.
“For the time being, the first event is called Congress, the next ones will be called meeting. Hopefully, the congress will agree on the name of the forum, constitution, work programme, and chairman election,” he said.