As many as three lecturers from Faculty of Biology UGM gave counseling and shared inspiration regarding biogas, organic fertilizer, and soil microbes towards Makmur Agriculture Group and Sedya Makmur Breeder Group in Wukirsari Village, Sleman regency, Yogyakarta. This event was held on Tuesday (26/9) at the house of Takiyat, leader of Makmur Agriculture Group.
Those three lecturers were Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto, S.Si., M.Kes. (Parasitology lecturer), Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc. (Plant Physiology lecturer), and Abdul Rahman Siregar, S.Si., M.Biotech (Microbiology lecturer). They gave counseling based on their background of expertise. Hery presented topic on earthworm and how to make vermicompost while Dwi presented the topic of establishment of biogas reactor and utilization of sludge biogas as organic fertilizer. On the other hand, Abdul gave a presentation regarding the utilization of soil microbes and how to anticipate the transmission of parasitic microbes from cattle dung to the environment. In the occasion, Dwi as the grantee of Community Service Grant also presented the result of her work and research.
This counseling was not the first time done by this community service team. Since 2013, Dwi has been conducting community service programs in Wukisari Village which were funded by Research and Community Service Division UGM. During the realization of those community service programs, Dwi collaborates with her colleagues from Faculty of Biology and other faculties as well as private partners. Currently, the result of her team’s work can be seen from the establishment of four biogas reactors utilizing cattle dung, organic rice farming demonstration plots, organic chili farming demonstration plots, bio fertilizer production, as well as organic pesticide made from cattle urine.
“Wukirsari Village has a big potential to become the manufacturer of organic agriculture due to the abundant organic fertilizer materials both from cattle dung and other materials. The farmers and breeders in this village are also very enthusiastic in realizing those programs,” said Dwi on Thursday (28/9).
According to Dwi, her team determines to assist the farmers and breeders in this village until they can realize Organic Self-Sufficient Village where they produce fertilizer and pesticide, the products of organic agriculture are consumed and utilized as commodities, as well as the realization of organic agriculture without residue by establishing biogas in all hamlets.