Geoinformation Science Department in Faculty of Geography UGM collaborating with PUSPICS of Faculty of Geography UGM, supported by Association of Indonesian Geographist (IGI), from 27-28 September 2017 hosted The 5th Geoinformation Science Symposium 2017 in UC Hotel UGM. The event was also supported by Association of Indonesian Remote Sensing Experts (MAPIN), PT. Bhumi Prasaja, PT. Waindo, PT. Citra Gama Sakti, and BNI.
The symposium that runs every two year has started since 2009. This time the symposium raised the theme Bridging Geospatial Industries and Scientific Research and presented keynote speakers, Prof. Stuart Phinn fromThe University of Queensland. Other speakers were Assoc. Prof. Wataru Takeuchi from University of Tokyo, Dr.rer.nat Sumaryono, M.Sc, from Geospatial Information Agency, Ir. Prakoso, M.M, Director General for Research and Development, representing Director General of Higher Learning, and Mohammad Adietyarahman, Director of PT. Bhumi Prasaja. Attendees include Chairman of IGI, Prof. Hartono, DEA., DESS and Chairman of MAPIN, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dewayany Sutrisno, MAppSc.
As many as 150 participants attended the event, coming from UGM, UI, Undip, Udayana, ITS, STMKG, UPI, BIG, LAPAN, LIPI, KKP, and others. Papers presented in the symposium will be published in the IOP Earth and Environmental Science (IOP EES) proceedings indexed by Scopus.
A workshop was later conducted for the formation of association of remote sensing laboratories in Indonesia, initiated by remote sensing laboratory of Geoinformation Science Department UGM. Furthermore, a competition named as The 1st National GIS Competition that was themed Geoinformation System for the State was organised by HMSaIG. This competition will be scheduled to run annually. This time the competition was won by a delegation from Faculty of Geography UGM.