UGM has the commitment to always improve the quality of education and learning. One of those is by engaging the ASEAN University Network on Higher Education for Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) to evaluate them. This time two study programme of UGM, Engineering Physics and Public Policy Management, are assessed by AUN-QA from 3-5 October 2017. AUN assessors will make assessment through visitation to managers, staff, students, as welll as campus facilties such as library, laboratory, clinic, and others.
Rector of UGM, Prof.Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., conveyed that getting international accreditation, including through AUN-QA, was a form to accelerate and improve recognition of UGM at the global level as well as through increasing scientific publication and research.
The AUN-QA assessment was not just to improve education and learning but to also prepare graduates that are qualified and competitive in the international level who make contribution to the state and the world, the Rector added.
Executive Director of AUN-QA, Prof.DR. Nantana Gajaseni, said since 2009, AUN-QA has certified 33 undergraduate study programme at UGM. With the two currently being assessed, there are 35 study programme already assessed by the AUN-QA.
The certification by AUN-QA is a form to improve the quality of higher education at international velel. The certification is given to study programme that has increased in its quality according to AUN-QA standard.
“Hopefully, the assessment to be made would give constructive recommendation to the progress of the UGM study programme,” she said.
Different from before, this time the assessment uses 11 instead of 15 criteria, including Expected Learning Outcomes, Programme Specification, Programme Structure and Content, Teaching and Learning Approach, Student Assessment, Academic Staff Quality, Support Staff Quality, Student Quality Support, Facilities and Infrastructure, Quality Enhancement, and Output.