Along with globalisation changes, all foreign views that are incoherent with the Pancasila views have the potential to grow and develop in the minds of Indonesians. One of those views is atheism that has become a factual global culture. On the other side, the principle of Believing in One God as stated in the state ideology of Pancasila has affirmed that all aspects of lives of Indonesian people are guided by divinity values that are universal. Therefore, each belief that tends to limit the relations of man with God has to be rejected.
This was said by Lecturer from Faculty of Literature and Humanities of IAIN Salatiga, Agus Ahmad Suaidi, Lc., M.A., in his doctoral promotion at Faculty of Philosophy UGM on Wednesday (4/10). In his dissertation titled Problem of Crime in the Perspective of Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl: Contribution to Enhancement of Philosophical Basis for the Belief in One God Principle, Agus said atheism correlates positively with intolerance due to the views that religion is the enemy and the enemy is identical with criminals. In his opinion, to tackle atheism cannot be done just by issuing religious slogans or ideology but to refute point by point the ideas of atheism. “Moreover, poverty may bring people closer to atheism, but in Europe, welfare has also made people an atheist,” he said.
Despite the fact, divinity value can also gets eroded by attitude that grows in academic environment, which is criticism of religious institutions or values and ideas. The criticism may trigger atheism. But so far as criticism relates to secular institutional aspect, it will not be too risky, but if it is already aimed at the sacred value of religion, it means atheism has appeared. “Criticism of religious values will implicate the marginalisation of the role of the religion itself in life,” he said.
He concluded that nurturing the relations between man and God and at the same time have positive attitude to life will produce meaningful and balanced life between the spiritual and physical, the world and the hereafter, as well as private and society.
On issues such as corruption crime, he saw this cannot be resolved by legal measures only. Prevention against corruption can be started from the family environs on the importance of avoiding criminal act and strengthening the role of religion and good moral behaviours.
He viewed that institutions such as Anti-corruption Commission (KPK) would not be able to resolve corruption alone just by making arrests. The fact is that perpetrators still continue to increase. So, he proposed that the KPK be more serious in making preventive efforts. “I see that corrupters and would-be corrupters will increase instead while the KPK resources are limited,” he said.