Human Quality Development Institute (LPKM) of Faculty Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada hosts Workshop and Gathering 2017 themed Realising Indonesian Excellent and Qualified Human Resource to align perception and understanding of human resource management in Indonesia. It was attended by over 60 partners on Tuesday (10/10) in East Parc Hotel, presenting speakers Prof. Djamaludin Ancok, Ph.D., Drs. Fathul Himan, M.Psi., M.A., PH.D., and Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si.
Djamaludin explained Optimalisation of Staff Potential through Talent Management. According to Djamaludin, management talent process consists of business diagnosis, assessment, program design, implementation, on-the-job support, and evaluation.
Djamaludin said talent management was required for company or organisation excellence. He added this was not apart from the intangible assets percentage in year 2000 which was 85%, much bigger than tangible assets which was just 15%.
Meanwhile, Sumaryono explained the dynamics of Generation Y at workplace. According to Sumaryono, there are several differences in Generation Y from the preceding generation. Generation Y in their work have deeper consideration on usability that can be created in the company and social environment. This makes the Generation Y lack in attention to status, position, and salary.
“Generation Y is more concerned on the contribution to be given to the company and the social environment. They think position and salary will come to them along with their contribution,” he said.
Sumaryono said if Generation Y did not feel as contributing to the company and social environment, they will resign and find new jobs that make them feel more useful. Generation Y tends to like challenge and give solution to the company and social environment. If this is unmet, Generation Y prefers to withdraw and instead seeks other jobs according to their passion.
“There are two ways to tackle this phenomenon, which is enrichment and enlargement of job description of Generation Y,” said Sumaryono.
Meanwhile, Dean of Faculty of Psychology UGM, Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A., said the workshop and gathering was part of the UGM slogan “deeply rooted,” which here is done by collaborating with partners. Faturochman added with the gathering, the Institute could grasp first-hand psychology service that is needed by the partners. He hopes the Institute would get motivated by the problems facing the partners, hence able to give solution.
“It’s important that the society can feel directly the role of Faculty of Psychology UGM in addressing problems according to psychology sciences,” said Faturochman.