To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Social Development and Welfare Department at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, it hosts Community Development Expo. With the theme Harmonisation for Fair Social Development, the Expo is joined by small and medium enterprises in Yogyakarta and the surroundings with the support from companies such as PT. Pertamina, PT. Holcim and Kedaulatan Rakyat.
Department Chairman, Dr. Krisdyatmiko, M.Si, said this theme was in line with the focus of study that they have developed which covers studies of social policy development, Community Empowerment, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
“The Department wants to enhance and deepen collaborative cooperation between three actors, government, society and private companies,” he said at UGM on Tuesday (24/10).
Krisdyatmiko said the government, society and private companies were expected to form synergies to achieve the national development goals by realising fair and welfare society.
The Community Development Expo, Krisdyatmiko said, was the proof of the stance of the Department that takes side with the grassroots level by optimising the synergy between those three actors.
Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, welcomed the Community Development Expo that reaffirms the consistency of Social Development and Welfare Department in developing social developmend and welfare.
Meanwhile, General Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, Didik Susilo, said the Harmonisation for Fair Social Development theme was in synchronicity with the goal of PT. Pertamina to collaborate with higher education to be able to apply unversity research into real products,” he said.
Didik Susilo added PT. Pertamina was open for practice work and capacity buidling. He also expected the students to develop themselves by joining organisations on campus which would be useful for their work in the future.
Apart from Community Development Expo, the anniversary is also enlivened with national seminar and round-table discussion, essay and scientific writing competition for high school students, National Summit and International Conference.