National Health Security (JKN) has run from three years since its establishment in 2014. It gives impact to users and providers of health services. To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Security, the Indonesian Health Policy Network (JKKI) will organise an event, National Forum on Indonesian Health Policy (FKKI), from 25-26 October 2017 in Yogyakarta.
The Forum is themed Monitoring of National Health Network to Achieve Universal Health Coverage 2019. Chairman of FKKI, Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D., said the theme was relevant with the time frame of 2019 as the first milestones to achieve universal health services coverage.
Laksono explained the need to evaluate the National Health Security because there are problems that are encountered on the field. These include lack of funding, unequal supply side development, or percentage of non-worker participants of the security.
Chairperson of Steering Committe of JKKI, Shita Listyadewi, M.M., MPP., Ph.D., said the Forum this year was different from others as it adopts different perspective, which is policy cycle perspective. Shita said the JKN policy has come to the implementation phase that needs to be evaluated.
“The Forum will devise a policy brief that is the result of the discussion held during the forum, which will later be submitted to policy stakeholders as a reference and consideration on the implementation of National Health Security policy,” said Shita.