Minister of Villages, Development of Underdeveloped and Transmigration Regions, Eko Putro Sandjojo, BSEE., M.BA., installed Desapolitan tourist venue in Jomboran Village, Klaten, Central Java, on Saturday (28/10). The Minister also installed a tourism object, Patrum Hills, in Krakitan Village. Afterwards, he held a workshop entitled DesaPolitan and Innovative Tourism Villages in Jimbung Village, Klaten. Previously, the Minister also became a ceremony inspector in the commemoration of Youth Pledge Day which was held on October 28, 2017.
Those events were held by academicians as initiators from Universitas Gadjah Mada, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc., collaborating with local communities of Jomboran, Krakitan, and Jimbung that join the Desapolitan, local government of Klaten Regency, Village Universities Consortium, as well as the Ministry of Villages.
According to Prof. Suratman, the Desapolitan village is rural area development of three adjacent rural areas, those are Jomboran, Krakitan, and Jimbung Villages. This aims to accelerate the economic development of those areas, implement the innovative tourism management based on information and technology and Village-owned Enterprises, as well as develop innovative tourism centers with a modern management system using global promotion networking.
“The scope of these activities includes the development of innovative tourism sector that is based on village resources using Village-owned Enterprises collaboration model as well as socio-entrepreneurship rural business innovation movement that is based on Information and Technology (Smart Digital Village),” said Suratman.
To reach this goal, UGM academics from different disciplines joined the programme, supported by community empowerment team of Klaten and chiefs and other leaders of Jomboran, Krakitan, and Jimbung villages.