Rector of UGM, Prof.Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., has inaugurated 18 structural officials of the UGM Main Office on Monday (30/10) in the Senate Hall. The officials have the ranks of Directors, Secretary to Directors, and Head of Office.
“Congratulations to all the new officials, I hope you would be able to carry out the mandate well for the betterment of UGM,” said the Rector.
Panut said the challenges in the future would certainly be heavier. Hence, UGM has to be able to improve its performance and make continuous improvement.
“Each day has to be better so that the achievements of UGM could increase, particularly to be able to achieve a fair and prosperous society based on Pancasila and UUD 1945 State Guidelines,” he reinstated.
For reaching this goal, Panut emphasised the importance of synergy and cooperation between the officials and all work units and faculties. This all is expected to increase the contribution for the advancement of UGM, the state and the nation.
The 18 new officials are Dr. Argo Utomo, M.B.A., (Director of Business Development and Incubation), Edi Prasetyo, S.T., M.Eng., (Assets Directorate Secretary) Agus Hartono, S.E., M.Ec.Dev., (Student Affairs Directorate Secretary), Dr. Puji Astuti, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt., (Directorate Secretary for Partnership, Alumni, and International Affairs), Dra. Ninik Supriyantini, M.Si., (Finance Directorate Secretary), and dr. Yanri Wijayanti Subronto, Ph.D., Sp.PD., (Secretary for Graduate Programme in Education and Teaching Directorate).
Next, Dr. Sigit Priyanta, S.T., M.Kom., (Directorate Secretary for Technology, Information and Academic Administration), Dr. Mirwan Ushada, S.T.P., M.App.Life.Sc., (Research Directorate Secretary), Dr. Rachmawan Budiarto, S.T., M.T., (Community Service Directorate Secretary), Sang Kompiang Wirawan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., (Directorate Secretary for Business Development and Incubation), Akhmad Aminullah, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., (Planning Directorate Secretary) and Triyogatama Wahyu Widodo, S.Kom., M.Kom., (Directorate Secretary for System and Information Resource).
Furthermore, Dra. Emmy Indjatmiati, M.Si., (Human Resource Directorate Secretary), Dr. Suning Kusumawardani, S.T., M.T., (Secretary at Centre for Academic Policy Innovation), Dr. Mutiah Amini, M.Hum., (Secretary at UGM Publishing House), Budhijanto, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., (Secretary at Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory), Chandra Wahyu Purnomo, S.T., M.E., M.Eng., D.Eng., (Secretary at Centre for Agrotechnology Innovation), and Dra.Rr. Tristiana Candra Dewi Trias Iriani, M.Si., (Head of UGM Archives).