Universitas Gadjah Mada has released the Semar UGM team to the Energy Efficient Car (KMHE) 2017 contest in Surabaya. Symbolically, Rector of UGM, Ir. Prof. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., along with Vice-Rector of Education, Teaching and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr, released the team, witnessed by other university leadership, lecturers and students in Balairung UGM on Monday (30/10).
The Semar team will launch three cars to compete in the KMHE 2017 event. One of those is Semar Gasoline, an urban car of 4-wheel design, equipped with wiper, driving light, and ergonomic driving position. The other cars are Semar Proto Diesel and Semar Proto Electric.
Semar UGM team chairman, Antonious Adhika Angkasa, said the team had made innovation and improvement from the previous concept. Having a good test drive, the team is optimistic to earn a good result from the upcoming competition.
“We are optimistic the Semar UGM team would earn an award in the KMHE 2017,” said Dhika.
Prof. Djagal appreciated their spirit. In his views, universities have the commitment to boost projects that are productive such as in science and arts. He said it was important for the students to have positive activities. He added team regeneration was important to channel the science from one generation to the next.
Similarly, the Rector hoped the spirit and collaboration of all team members would sustain. He said it required solid cooperation and mentality from the members and all supporting elements to be in a competition. Panut expected the Semar UGM team would do their best and win the competition.
“Good luck and do your best. There will be many lessons and experiences to learn from each competition,” said the Rector of UGM.