Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has launched a book on the history of the Faculty, which is one of the oldest Medical Faculty in Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine UGM was the embryo of the birth of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
“As the oldest medical education institution in Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine UGM tries to collect and rearrange information, data and fact from primary and secondary resources to write the history of Faculty of Medicine UGM,” said Dean, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., SpOG(K)., PhD, in the Library room of the Faculty on Wednesday (1/11).
In a talkshow, launching and book review of the History of Faculty of Medicine UGM 1946 – 2016, Ova Emilia said history book became an important record of the medical education development in Indonesia. The book is expected to be a narrative document on medical education since School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen (STOVIA) in Batavia (Jakarta), turning into Nederlansch Indische Artsen School (NIAS) and to Faculty of Medicine UGM.
“By involving historians, this book became completed,” she said. The main writer and initiator, Ova said the idea to write this book was that to be able to move forward, the Faculty had to be deeply rooted, hence the history became known.
Prof. Dr. dr. H. Soenarto Sastrowijoto, Sp.THT-KL(K), the living witness of the history, said the establishment of STOVIA should at some point have been meant for the European communities. Later, the medical education involved the role of Prof. Dr. Sardjito, who founded doctor education in Klaten, moving to Mangkubumen and finally Sekip.
Baha’uddin, M.Hum (UGM historian) said the book was the first history book to be written because no other universities have done so. He commented this book was wholesome since the beginning to the latest development.
“But to guide the readers to know the historical conceptual framework, the book needs a prologue and epilogue,” he said.