To remind people of the importance of literature and arts to hone character and intelligence, Faculty of Cultural Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada in cooperation with Alumni Association of Universitas Gadjah Mada hosts the 4th Literary and Arts Awards as well as Arts and Literature UGM 2017 competition. Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Wening Udasmoro, M.Hum., DEA., said this event was conducted to present again literature and arts in social lives. This is a real step to give room for literary writers and artists to express themselves. The event is also aimed to rejuvenate the passion for literature and arts as an alternative for honing character and intelligence.
“This event is a form of contribution from UGM to the literary and cultural developments in Indonesia,” Wening told journalists in the Fortakgama UGM room on Thursday (9/11). She was accompanied by Dr. Sudibyo, M.Hum. (Literary Award Night committee member) and Popi Irawan (Public Relations Officer of the Faculty).
Arts and Literature UGM 2017 competition raised the theme Revitalisation of Recognition to Differences to remind the people that the Indonesian people is a pluralist nation that has a long history and that respects diversity in aspects of lives. Amidst those differences, tolerance runs high in the lives of the people.
Wening said Arts and Literature UGM 2017 competition had attracted as many as 2,149 works of literature and arts, which are poems, short-stories, photography, short films, meme writing, and literary criticism. According to Wening, there has been an increase in the number of participants from the previous competition.
“It will take at least a month for the panel of jury of select the best works from each category,” she said.
Wening explained poems, short-stories, essay, and literary criticism from the competition would be compiled into an anthology. Meanwhile, the best works in photography and meme would be exhibited during the Literary Award Night. Furthermore, film screening would be run for the winners in short-film category.
Winners will be announced on the Literary Award Night on Friday (10/11) in Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Centre. Reportedly, Public Works and Housing Minister, Dr. Ir. M. Basuki Hadimuljono, M.Sc. will attend the event, also noted writer, Prof. Dr. Budi Darma, M.A. The night will see Kedung Darma Romansha poetry reading and others, cultural speech, Goro-Goro Diponegoro performance by Mantradisi group, and also Voice of Citizen, and Rampoe UGM.