UGM Psychology Students have become the grand champion of Indonesian Psychology Olympiad (OPI), hosted by Indonesian Association of Psychology (Himpsi) in cooperation with 10 Faculties of Psychology in Yogyakarta from 27 – 28 October in Yogyakarta. As many as 127 teams joined the event.
There are eleven categories to be competed, which are Psychoscience and Psychoclimbing, hosted at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Psychovoice at Universitas Sanata Dharma, Psychodebate and Psychofutsal at Universitas Islam Indonesia, Psychoenterpreneur at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Psychoposter at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Psychophotography at Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, Psychofilm at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Psikologi Yogyakarta, Psychoinnovation at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, and Psychopaper at Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta.
Alifa Rahmi Khairunisa, one of the UGM delegates, said they sent 77 students for all catefories. The UGM team has won 20 medals from nine categories, these are 8 gold medals, 9 silver medals, and 3 bronze medals. “With these results, UGM has been named the grand champion,” said Alifa on Tuesday (14/11) at UGM. Alifa added this repeated the same titles in 2013 and 2015 lalu.
The gold medals in the Psychopaper category came from Agnes Fatma Laylicha. In Psychoclimbing, UGM earned silver medals for Giri Putra R. In Psychoinnovation, the UGM B team (Musfira Muslihat, Nurmala Sari, and Dini Fadhillah), have also won gold.
Gold medals in Psychodebate were won by UGM A team (Nurul Hidayah, Birgitta Woro D, and Ni Kadek Farida M) while UGM B team (Felia Rachmila, Rahmayanti, and Luthvia Nur M.Y) earned silver medals. Besides, Luthvia Nur M.Y also earned Best Speaker title in the Psychodebate. Meanwhile, in Psychoenterpreneur, UGM B team (Agustinus Prakoso Aji, Dina Farisa, and Alief Kurnia T) have brought home gold. The UGM A team (Bagas Paramajana, Arina Jannah I., and Fega Ayu P.), earned silver medals.
In Psychoscience’s Psychology Basic Experiments, Vinny Marviani earned gold, Carissa Azarine silver and Annisa A. Ayuningtyas bronze. In Psychology Basic Theories, Rahma Ayuningtyas earned bronze. In Growth and Development Assesment, the gold medal was won by Alfan Fahri R. while Annisa Zahra W.N earned silver in Psychodiagnostics and Basic Assesment. Another student, Ramadhan D. Marvianto, earned gold and Kirana Dwi M.A silver in the Psychometry, and Sholikhatul Ilmi winning gold and Fika Nadia T.M. silver in Social Psychology.
Next, in the Psychofilm, the Psynema – Alpha R. J., and team, have won silver medal. Silver medals were also won in Psychoposter by UGM C team (Hasna Insani K. and Zahirah Tsurayya). Lastly, in Psychovoice, the Psychorale – Akistya Inggamara and team, have brought home silver.