Association for Productive Animal Science Studies from Faculty of Animal Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, succeeded to hold a National Seminar 2017, entitled The Role of Veterinarian towards Special Efforts to Accelerate Population of Pregnant Cows and Buffalo in Realizing the National Meat Self-Sufficiency on Saturday (11/11) at Auditorium of the faculty. The seminar presented several keynote speakers including drh. Syamsul Ma’arif, Msi. (Representative of Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Health), drh. Agung Budiyanto, M.P., Ph.D. (Association for Indonesian Veterinary Medical Reproduction), drh. Prabowo Respatiyo Caturroso, M.M., Ph.D. (Coordinator of Expert Team for Special Efforts to Accelerate Population of Pregnant Cows and Buffalo, Ministry of Agriculture), and Dr. drh. H. Heru Setijanto, PAVet (K) (the Chairman of Indonesian Veterinarian Association).
Syamsul said this special effort to accelerate the population which is conducted through Optimization of Artificial Insemination aims to increase the cows’ reproduction efficiency. Syamsul said the target of the program is reaching the pregnancy level of the artificial insemination up to 70%, reducing the level of reproductive disorder up to 60%, reducing the slaughter of productive female cows up to 20%.
Syamsul further said the control of productive female cows aims to maintain the structure and the number of adult female cows as the acceptor of artificial insemination. According to Syamsul, the targets spread in 17 provinces and 40 regencies which are focussed on the population and slaughtering sectors.
“The countermeasures of productive female cows is also done by collaborating with Indonesian Police Security Maintenance Agency,” said Syamsul.
Syamsul also highlighted the design of veterinary medical services. According to Syamsul, the current condition shows there are many reproductive disorder cases in the artificial insemination regions. It happens because the reproduction workforces are not under the veterinary supervision. “It causes the high reproductive disorder cases and the low reproduction efficiency,” he added.
On the other hand, according to Agung, there is some difficulties in several veterinary functions of in the implementation of special effort to accelerate the population of cows. One of the functions is checking the Decree on Health Reproduction as the first step that has been done before implementing artificial insemination. In addition, some of the field officers have yet to understand the technical direction regarding reproduction medical steps. Therefore, veterinarians are required to improve the management of the reproduction that has to be encouraged by skills and knowledge as well as cooperation, thus the program’s targets can be achieved.