Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., has inuagurated as many as 1,790 undergraduate and diploma graduates, consisting of 1,439 people from S1 programme, 301 Diploma 3 and 50 Diploma 4. Average study programme for S1 is 4 years and 8 months, D3 3 years and 4 months and D4 4 years. The shortest study period has been completed by Tunggul Wicaksono from International Relations study programme at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences in just 3 years 1 month and 7 days. Meanwhile, Ayu Dyah Pawestri from Archiving diploma programme finishes in just 2 years 10 months and 1 day.
The youngest graduate from S1 programme is Bayu Anggoro Putro from Mechanical Engineering who graduates at 20 years 3 months and 25 days old while Diploma student Prakoso Aji Nugroho from Computer and Information System graduates at 18 years and 5 days old.
The number of Cum Laude graduates from S1 Programme is 441 (30.65%) while Diploma 17 (4.84%). Average GPA for S1 programme is 3.34, Diploma 3.27. The student with highest GPA of 3.99 in S1 programme is Qisti Fauziyah (Biology study programme) while Anisa Bella Pratiwi from Korean language diploma study programme graduates with GPA 3.87.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., in his remarks congratulated the graduates. He rejoiced in their graduation. “You are all selected people to complete your studies at the university of struggle, the largest and best university in Indonesia. Graduation is just the start to your long journey whether in study or work market. Your role is much awaited in the open arena to bring Indonesia forward,” said the Rector in Grha Sabha Pramana on Wednesday (22/11).
The rector said UGM graduates had to be able to give contribution to the state through their respective expertise. Currently, many challenges are facing the new graduates amidst the rapid flow of information through digital technology and social media.
In the digital era, the challenges facing the young generation of Indonesia are different from those of their predecessors. “Now we’re dealt with unseen enemy as it can take the form of technology which is highly not parallel with our ethics and culture, ideology of Pancasila, or it can take the form of drug abuse, etc,” he said.
But as UGM graduates, he said, they had to stick to the fighting spirit of the national heroes, making moral values as the guidelines to behave. “Employ the fighting spirit of the founding fathers and national heroes in the lives of society so that UGM graduates may always inspire others amidst the global change,” he said.
The Rector asked the UGM graduates to also act honestly, care towards their environs, be hard working, persistent, and love the nation, which are all the characters and basic nature of Indonesia. “Those characters have to reflect in the minds of the alumni of UGM bearing in mind that one of UGM identities is the university of struggle,” he said.
One of the graduates, Fellando Martino Nugroho, said during their course of study at UGM they had gained beautiful moments for their character building. The value and culture of Yogyakarta that is friendly has helped shape his personality while communicating with others.
“Street food, Tugu monument, satay, are all a nice memory for us to remember that we once studied here,” said the graduate of Mechanical Engineering study programme.