Student teams from Vocational School UGM succeeded to be the winner of Gadjah Mada Sports and Arts Week 2017.
In the event which was held from October 21 until December 3, 2017, Vocational School UGM succeeded to be the first winner by earning as many as 82 medals. Meanwhile, the second and third winners were Faculty of Engineering which earned 68 medals and Faculty of Cultural Sciences that earned 37 medals.
Gadjah Mada Sports and Arts Week 2017 consisted of 28 arts and sports categories and as many as 4,523 students from 18 Faculties and Vocational School participated in the competition.
In the Awarding Night, the best supporters were also announced where the most attractive category was achieved by Kapak Rimba supporter team from Faculty of Forestry UGM. Meanwhile, the best creativity category was earned by Garasi supporter team from Vocational School and the best supportivity was awarded towards Supersonik supporter team from Faculty of Engineering.
Gadjah Mada Sports and Arts Week was closed by Vice Rector of Education, Learning, and Student Affairs UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., who was accompanied by the Director of Student Affairs UGM, Dr. R. Suharyadi, M.Sc.