The statement made by US President, Donald Trump, acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has been seen as violating international laws.
“The US acknowledgment has been violating international laws because it acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel whereas the UN Security Council has decided Jerusalem under the monitors of the UN,” said Middle East politics observer from UGM, Dr. Siti Mutiah Setiawati, on Thursday (14/12) in a press conference given by Institute of International Studies (IIS) of International Relations department at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM.
Siti said the matter could not be ignored because it would disrupt the political stability in the Middle East, particularly Israel.
“If Jerusalem is let to be the capital of Israel, this will disrupt the peace process between Arab countries and Israel. It is feared this will also disrupt the stability between Islam, Jews, and Christianity,” said the International Relations lecturer from UGM.
Siti further supported the Indonesian government to be consistent in the endeavours for the freedom of Palestine as stated in the Indonesian Constitution. The government is also expected to cooperate with the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) to garner support by rejecting the decision unilaterally made by the US.
“We hope the government to encourage the OIC to issue a joint statement for the US to revoke their support for Israel,” she said.
Meanwhile, Dr. Nur Rachmat Yuliantoro, Chairman of International Relations Department, said the Trump policy on Jerusalem was destructive, because the US can no longer play a central role in the Israel-Palestine peace process.
“The US has effectively made the statement causing the situation in the Middle East more uncontrolled. Instead of finding a constructive policy, it issued a policy that leads to a bigger destruction,” he said.