In the celebration event of UGM 68th anniversary, UGM has awarded some 375 lecturers and staff the Satyalancana Karya Satya award, 25 years of loyalty award, and Purnakarya award, in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
The awards have been presented as appreciation of their services for UGM in their respective area of work.
“UGM will not be where it is today without the service and sacrifice made by all of you. The current position of UGM in Indonesia and the world has been made possible due to your great contributions,” said Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., in his remarks.
Panut hoped the awards would give them encouragement and motivation to continue their contribution to UGM and the state and inspire their colleagues.
“We all appreciated what you all have contributed to our beloved university. Hopefully, there will be more contributions from you to UGM, the environs, and in general, the nation,” he said.
One recipient of Purnakarya award, Prof. Dr. Ibnu Gholib Gandjar, Apt., has expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to work at UGM and the hopes that their services would give meaningful contribution to UGM.
“I would like to thank UGM that has received us as staff while we have been provided the place for us to express what we are capable of. I hope what we have done so far can be beneficial for UGM and general public,” said Ibnu.
The Satyalancana Karya Satya award is granted by the government to civil servants that have worked in obedience to the state ideology of Pancasila, state constitution of UUD 1945, the state, and the government for 10, 20, or 30 years. This time there were 39 people receiving Satyalancana Karya Satya for 30 years, 30 people for 20 years, and 31 people for 10 years.
The 25 years of loyalty and Purnakarya awards have been presented to lecturers and staff that made continuous services for 25 years or more or those that have reached their retirement age or passed away by 2017. This year, the 25 loyalty award is presented to 130 people, and Purnakarya award to 145 people.
“The awards come in the form of certificates and incentives that will be transferred to each recipient after the awarding ceremony,” said Head of UGM Personnel, Bambang Dwi Suko Widodo, S.Mn.